Do synactors sleep?

You might equally ask if synactors ever get tired, because sleep is the mechanism by which humans restore their energy levels. Humans sleep on average seven or eight hours a day, usually at night or when the ambient light is cut out or reduced. Humans can snore in their sleep and toss and turn, depending on whether they are in a deep sleep or a light sleep, or they might sleep peacefully on their backs or sides.

Humans also frequently dream in their sleep. Normally people sleep with their eyes closed but the eyeballs may be seen to move beneath the eyelids when they dream. Dreams are dealt with elsewhere.

By nature, synactors have no need of sleep. They can work tirelessly, repeating actions and scenes over and over again in exactly the same way, unless required to vary their actions. They aren't grumpy in the mornings or late at night and their energy levels remain always the same, no matter how far they run or how much work they do or however long they act.

Humans do need sleep, however, so, if you, as a synactor, are learning to emulate human behaviour, you need to emulate the need for sleep, the effects on your speech and bahaviour of lack of sleep or tiredness.

Note that there is a difference between acting a person asleep and acting a person dead or unconscious or paralyzed. You can suggest differences in your facial expression and in the body position you assume (where you put your arms and legs when on the ground). try to do a little better (or a lot better!) than relying on ragdoll physics when you act someone who has been killed. Body position movements in ragdoll collapses can look unconvincing and even comical.

Examples of synactors sleeping in games?

A number of action adventure games represent the passage of time in the physical analoque world by the movement of the sun and moon in the sky to indicate the passage of day and night. Some games let the player emulate sleeping when they click on a bed in a safehouse. When they wake, the player's sidekick,if they have one, will be already awake and waiting to accompany the player. The player never has to awaken a sleeping NPC buddy. Examples of this include Oblivion.

There are examples of synactors represented as sleeping in games. Usually as that is required is for a synactor, or NPC, to assume a comfortable straight or curled up prone position and to remain motionless. Examples of synactors sleeping in games.

The sleeping of NPCs can be designed as a factor in gameplay. For example, in Bethesda's Morrowind NPCs never slept, even when they returned home at night. In Oblivion and Skyrim, however, NPCs do sleep in the homes at night and the player must endeavor not to disturbing them when burglarizing their houses at night. Actions likely to create a loud noise or touching a person are the sort of things likely to arouse someone from sleep.